Monday, May 7, 2012

How To: Give It The Old College Try

I had a lovely weekend showing off my house and chatting with my friends - both old and new! One of my guests even came up to me and said that she'd recently started following my blog. After I got over my oh-so-humble reaction of people telling me they think I'm hilarious, I started recommending articles that might be appropriate for things she'd been going through recently. 

Of course, our conversation led me right back to How To: Find 50 First Dates. It always does. I told her some of the pros and cons of online dating, a few of my stories, both good and bad, and then of course, as I always do, point out that really its different for everyone. To understand it, you'll just have to try it.

I realized afterwards that my knowledge base was missing one link - OKCupid. From a strictly research-based standpoint (and lets face it, I'm still single - can't hurt), I decided to give it one more College Try. 

I think I might have broken some kind of record. If I created a ratio representing the amount of time that I spent tweaking my profile to make it as accurate as possible compared to the number of hours I was actually subscribed... Let me just put it this way. I didn't even last a full 24 hours. 

Thanks for the free ego boost OKCupid users. Good thing I am completely comfortable being single. 

See you Wednesday!

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