Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How To: Keep On Keepin' On

Okay, so for a quick recap: In the last three months, I've:

Whoa. Look at that list. It's kinda long. And thats all over the course of just THREE months. Excuse me for a minute while I smile so big I can hardly breathe, and then end up with my head between my knees. What a difference a few months makes! When did I go from Not-Really-But-Almost Adult to For-Real-Almost Adult?

I don't have anything really side-splitting funny to say this week. If you haven't been catching the same whirlwind of luck that I have, here's what I've learned:
  1. Everything doesn't happen for a reason. You may disagree with me, but I really think this is true. That does not mean that every situation isn't a learning experience. How else can you learn if you never have any mishaps?
  2. Everything DOES happen when it's supposed to. Be patient! Your good fortune is just around the corner waiting for you.
  3. Stay open and positive. Nobody likes a Debbie Downer.
  4. Make your own destiny. Don't wait on someone else to make you happy.
  5. You're twenty-something. Grab life by the horns! Live big!
  6. At the very least, you have my blog to look forward to!
  7. Never forget to appreciate all that is great in your life. Write a list of everything good that has happened this year. I bet it will be more than you were expecting. I stole this idea off Pinterest, but you can write them on slips of paper and stick them in a jar like this:

Sorry my posts have all been so short lately. Life is overwhelming in the best possible sense of the word right now. I'm working on some new ideas for you! In the meantime, keep on keepin' on.

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