Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How To: Look Both Ways Before Leaping

Hello and welcome back! I apologize for my absence last week… my life just seems to be turning upside down on me all at once. However, I’m back and ready to go.

Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert on any topic I choose to write about from here on out, but maybe the things that I've gone through or are going through currently relate to you and can help you in some way. At the very least, you can laugh at/with me, remembering that one time that maybe you too felt like a complete moron, as I go through the many Mishaps of an Almost Adult.

Way back in September, I wrote my very first article, How To: Walk Uphill Both Ways and talked about re-evaluating your original “Life Plan” and expectations to match reality. My best advice: Big kid pants are uncomfortable and prone to wedgies. I still stand by this statement. There is nothing worse than when you fully realize what the adult thing to do is and it is one heck of a sucky decision you have to make. Makes me want to pout just thinking about it and I don’t even have an example in mind.

We’ve been put on budgets that make life not fun, we’ve been working jobs that don’t seem to be headed the way we want, we’ve dieted, we’ve cut back on partying, we’ve been sick, lonely, happy, sad, mad, glad, hurt, nervous, ecstatic, scared $hitless, you name it. All over the course of a few months/years! Its EXHAUSTING!

And then it happens. All of the sudden, you’ve found yourself in the groove. You’re a working adult, (well, almost) living within your means (or close enough), healthy (most of the time), and (relatively) stable.

Now what?

I’ve been following the Bachelor this season, somewhat begrudgingly, but my loyalty to keeps me tuned in. Between this year’s bachelor, contestants and constant Honda C-RV plugs for the Leap List, its got me thinking.

First off, had anyone ever even heard of a leap list? I hadn’t. Apparently, a Leap List is a list of things you want to do before your next big life-changing event (ex. Getting married, having a baby, etc.) Every time they mention it I kind of want them to Leap off a cliff. And then I remember I’m watching the Bachelor. Clearly their Leap Lists aren’t very long considering that they’re on a TV show where the end result is getting engaged…

Despite the fact that I hate it that I was inspired by the Bachelor, it got me thinking about my very own … List. (I refuse to call it a Leap List.) What do I want to do selfishly just for me? Why am I not doing that now?

This seems to be the point that I’m at currently. Should I look for a job that I’m more passionate about? I’m passionate about designing and writing this blog, so that seems enough for me right now.

Should I buy a house? I’m trying! In fact, I think I might have actually been the world’s fastest house-shopper. I just put an offer on the very first house I ever looked at… I’m sure that you’re staring at your computer right now bug-eyed, thinking, “Okay, Aimee, on multiple occasions I have wondered if you have, in fact, lost it, but now you are officially NUTS!” But as I’ve told you, I’ve had an obsession with house hunting for a while now. I’ve done my research, I’ve seen a few, I’ve looked at TONS online, and I just happened to fall in love with the very first one I set foot in. I’ve never been called indecisive.

Should I get another dog? Nope. No. Definitely not. Brodie just drooled all over me trying to steal my rice cake. And seeing as how the dogs that I choose are apparently part horse, I think I’m good with one.

Should I write a book? Maybe.

Should I just be content with what I have and bask in the 25-ness that I have right now? Probably.
  1. Never forget how far you’ve come. Remember the days of the good ol’ panic attack when you were FREAKING OUT about how to do all of this? Good thing that’s over. Kind of.
  2. Take the time to figure out who you are, what you want, etc. This is the time in our lives to define ourselves and our wants/needs. Never settle for anything.
  3. Surround yourself with people that make you the best possible version of you… Friends, coworkers, significant others, all of them.
  4. Be selfish while we can. Put things on your … List that make you a better person. Run a marathon. Visit a foreign country. Discover your own religious beliefs. Be independent. Conquer a fear. I sound so inspirational.
  5. Keep your eyes on the future. Make plans and see them through!
  6. Chin up! Even when life seems overwhelming, it all just keeps moving. Sooner or later you'll get relief and become an expert at that, too.
  7. LEAP! But only figuratively. These people on the Bachelor take it way to literally. How many times do they have to conquer their fear of heights by jumping off bridges/cliffs/anything over 100 feet in the air? Peeing your pants while on a date, especially one thats being nationally televised, is never a good thing.

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