Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How To: Have a Happy Valentine's Day

I find it extremely odd and somewhat hysterical that my dating blogs tend to be the most requested and the most viewed. Although I've been in plenty of relationships that lasted in range from 2 months to 2 years, I'm still single and clearly not a pro at this whole dating thing.

My first (and only, actually) Valentine's day that I spent in a relationship was when I was 15. I was dating my now best friend Brad (remember him? He's helped write a few posts for me!). I was currently living in Indianapolis and he was in Nashville. My parents drove me the three hours down to see him and we (yes, we. My parents, Brad's parents, Brad and myself) all went to a Nashville Predators game and Brad gave me a card that said "Why Cupid should wear a diaper" with a picture showing as if Cupid had crapped on a car windshield. Even at 15, I knew that a well-placed poop joke was just SUPER romantic. No wonder that was my one and only Valentine's day... I mean, really? How can you top that? (Brad, you still make me laugh 10 years later. Love you today and every day!)

Valentine's Day is such a strange holiday. It means different things to different people. Some people love it and are more than happy to share how much they love the people around them. Some people seem to hate the concept of it and refuse to buy into a "Hallmark Holiday." Wherever you may fall, follow these simple rules to get yourself through Valentine's Day in any phase of life.


The first person who says "Happy Single's Awareness Day!" I'm gonna slap the phony smile right off your face. Not literally, but you know what I mean. Is there any reason that you're more aware of your solo status today than you were yesterday? Last week? Two months ago? No. So stop whining and don't be a Debbie Downer.
  1. Let's not forget the reason for this holiday. LOVE! You are surrounded by love every day of the year from your family, friends, coworkers, dogs, cats, neighbors, me, you, etc. Always remember that you are loved.
  2. Do something nice for someone you care about today. This morning, I made a pitstop at Sonic and bought small drinks for four of my coworkers, which I had cut out tags that said "Drink up the Love. Happy Valentine's Day!" on the straw of their favorite beverage. My Diet Coke with a splash of Love in it was absolutely delicious.
  3. Make yourself happy today. Watch your favorite movie. Eat your favorite food. Buy yourself flowers. Be happy.

Did you happen to find yourself in a new relationship in January? Are you just starting to see someone? This is such a tricky topic. Should you celebrate Valentine's Day? Are you being pushy by suggesting it? Date? No Date? WHO KNOWS?!
  1. Girls, set your expectations LOW. More than likely, it will be just like if you were single. Valentine's Day doesn't usually mean as much to guys as it does to us ladies.
  2. Guys, if you're really digging your new Lady Friend, go for a romantic gesture. Buy us flowers. Send us a card. Ask us to be your Valentine. Show us that we're becoming important to you. We eat that kind of stuff up.
  3. This is the most important rule: If one person brings up possibly doing something for Valentine's Day, best to just go with the flow. Girls, don't shoot guys down. Guys, don't panic! Its just one day. It'll be over before you know it.

Pretty self explanatory.
  1. Be honest about your expectations. We can't read minds. If you're expecting to walk into your apartment and find rose petals strewn about the floor, well, better say you're wanting something romantic this year.
  2. Its more about effort than money spent. Write down things you love about your partner and put it in a cute box. Cook your partner's favorite meal. Do something that shows that you care today and every day.
  3. If you don't particularly love Valentine's Day but your partner does, suck it up for a day. Its not worth hurt feelings and a fight on the one day of the year that you're supposed to be mushy and completely in love.
To all of my wonderful readers, I love you!!!
PS. If you know of any tall, hunky 20-Something guys who appreciate a girl with a sense of humor, an awesome dog and a quick wit, well, you know how to contact me.

Just kidding.

Kind of.

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