Thursday, December 29, 2011

How To: Start the New Year

First off, let me apologize. I was so carried away on my vacation that I completely lost track of what day it was. At about 4 yesterday afternoon, my best friend Catherine texted me and said, "No post today?" I just stared at my phone with a "Huh?" face until I realized IT WAS WEDNESDAY! I hadn't even written anything!! What to do?!

So thank you, dear readers, for not hating me and still reading my post even though it happens to be a day late.

DISCLAIMER: I am by no means an expert on any topic I choose to write about from here on out, but maybe the things that I've gone through or are going through currently relate to you and can help you in some way. At the very least, you can laugh at/with me, remembering that one time that maybe you too felt like a complete moron, as I go through the many Mishaps of an Almost Adult.

One of my favorite things about New Years Eve is that you get to say goodbye to the last year, celebrate the great things that happened and forget all of the bad. Wipe that slate clean.  Its a time to let bygones be bygones and appreciate all of the wonderful people in your life. 

2011 has been quite the year for me. Early last year I started a new job working at a law office in downtown Dallas writing legal documents. I was lucky enough to be introduced to several new friends of all ages and start earning a salary that didn't make me want to cry. I put on my wedgie-inducing big kid pants, got up at 6:30 every morning like a real adult and made myself a living. 

Later that year, I started online dating again (read all about it on How To; Find 50 First Dates) and ended up meeting a very interesting new boy/man/guy that carried me through the summer and into the fall. He reminded me of how much I love football and caring for other people. He constantly was urging me to follow my true passions in life, and that carried me into September.

September rolled around, I turned 25 and I made one of the best decisions of my life. I started writing Mishaps of an Almost Adult! Not only do I get to make you laugh each week but I get to show myself that although my life may seem disastrous and out of control, I actually give okay advice and am maybe not that far off from where I'm supposed to be at this point in my life. All of your wonderful feedback only makes me realize that WE ARE NOT ALONE! If I help you even remotely, or just make you laugh at your own crazy life, or mine, well, then I feel like I've done something good.

In October, I started working on restarting my business doing graphic and web design and doing what I really love. With the help of my friends and my new business partner, Creative Aim Studios is up and running again and better than ever. I also found out that I'm going to be an AUNT! I'm too excited to spoil the freaking crap out of my little niece or nephew.

November and December rolled around and made me look over the past year and my life in general. I constantly realize how unbelievably lucky I am to be where I am. I'm 25, a blogger (with readers at that, wooooo!), a business owner, a budgeter, a Person to one awesome dog, a best friend, a budget traveler,  a sports fanatic, a break-up bouncer-backer, a good adult daughter, a penny pincher, and a proper office party attendee. What more could I want for my life?

The only advice I can give you for this next year ahead is to make it count. Make big plans! The sky is the limit. Set your goals and work your bum off to achieve them, no matter what they might be. 

See you in 2012!

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