Thursday, July 12, 2012

How To: Be Popular

First off, WHOA. Mishaps didn't just break 10,000 this week, it saw its bet and raised it another 250. I am in total and utter shock how many of you check back each week to read what I have to say. I'm not sure what my expectations were coming into writing this blog less than a year ago, but I don't think I ever expected this. As long as you keep reading, I'll gladly keep writing. So pass the word on - send it to your friends, repost it on your Facebook walls. Pin it on pinterest. JOIN THIS SITE! Keep doing what you're doing because SOMETHING seems to be working and I'm ecstatic. 

Unfortunately this week I haven't had much time to brainstorm some insightful advice to give everyone, seeing as I have been promoted at work and am now training the new girl who is the new me! As part of my big move to a new cube with a window, I am now sitting next to one of my friends and loyal Mishaps followers at work, who has inspired me to write this post.

I firmly believe that the usage of "lol" has gotten out of control. As someone who takes laughing matters very seriously, I would really prefer if use this acronym sparingly and only when directly appropriate. Stop crying wolf, you aren't really laughing.

I know you're guilty. You've all used lol when you aren't, in fact, laughing out loud. So what do you do when you're not really laughing out loud? Or you would laugh if it wasn't extremely inappropriate at the exact moment? Or it was only kind of funny but not funny enough to really laugh out loud? Or to emphasize when you really are laughing out loud but overuse lol so much that no one really believes that you are in fact laughing out loud?

Do what I do. Make up ridiculously long acronyms to portray whats really happening.

  1. IWLOLBTWBI* = I Would Laugh Out Loud But That Would Be Inappropriate
  2. IWLBIWRTFFMTLOL* = I Would Laugh But It Wasn't Really That Funny For Me To Laugh Out Loud
  3. IMSTLOL = I'm More Smiling Than Laughing Out Loud
  4. IWPLOLBIKYYAMBIDRLOL = I Would Put Laugh Out Loud But I Know You'll Yell At Me Because I Didn't Really Laugh Out Loud
  5. WTLOLBIAM* = Want To Laugh Out Loud But In A Meeting
  6. JSSICLOL* = Just Smiled Since I Can't Laugh Out Loud
  7. FRIALOL* =  For Real I Am Laughing Out Loud
The use of any of these acronyms is a guaranteed way to make sure that you get a OINLOLSHIC in response. Okay I'm Now Laughing Out Loud So Hard I'm Crying. 

*These acronyms are actually used in my every day conversation. So much so that now my phone autocorrects to them. I count that as a win.

 Real text conversations between myself (in the white) and my coworker (blue):

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