Friday, November 16, 2012

How To: Relocate Dust Bunnies

I think its time for the Mishaps dust bunnies to find a new home, because I'M BACK! 

I am at a total blank as to what to write about, so as I'm waiting for my creative juices to start flowing, I figure I'll just keep writing and see where it takes me. Please excuse the babbling for a minute or two. Even if I end up saying nothing of any importance in this entire post, it feels so good to be back! I have missed all of my readers. 

I have done so much growing up over the last six months, I feel like I should have tons of mishaps coming to mind to entertain you with. Being a homeowner definitely presents an entire set of issues I don't think I'd ever fully considered. Like water bills. What on earth? Why is it so dang expensive?! All I do is shower, wash dishes, and laundry. And then I remembered my valiant effort to save my grass this summer. That could be why.

Now that its finally getting out of the 80's in Dallas and decided to drop 20 degrees in two days, I'm presented with a whole other issue. Do I really need to turn the heater on? NO, I say! I can just wear a sweatshirt, pants, and slippers. This is Texas, its not THAT cold, I'll be fiiiiiine. Plus, I really was budgeting on a pedicure this month and I want some new books, so I can sacrifice some heat so my bills would be low. 

And then I woke up to a house that was 52 degrees. My stupid trees that provided my house with stupid shade in the stupid summer are now making my house STUPID cold. On went the heater and up went my complaining. I think I'm suddenly going from recent college graduate to senile old lady. "Back in MY day..."

The fun part about being a homeowner though has been working with Chris on the weekends. We have really gotten into our improvement projects, and my lack of confidence in our skills decreases a little with each project. See, we both have this habit of not being so good at easing into things. 

For example, since "ye ol' budget crunch" started ( I don't know why I'm saying "started." It's not like it ever ended), I've been bummed about my lack of adequate furniture for my house and lack of adequate funds to change this. This, of course, didn't stop my planning as to how to change the situation. My living room was just not doing it for me and patience when it comes to decorating is NOT one of my fortes.

So I went over to my trusty Pinterest account, started scrolling through all of the home decor ideas, and happened upon Anna White's blog with TONS of DIY furniture plans! How fun! I could just BUILD something instead of having to fork out the money to buy any of the furniture pieces I wanted. Look at me being so budget-savvy and a little Susie Homemaker.

What did Chris and I decide on for our first project? A five-foot long table/shelf/entertainment center type thing. We started planning for this table build and bought all of our supplies. It wasn't until we had several of Chris's dad's power tools lying around my garage that I started questioning our ability to actually do this. Maybe we should have started with a birdhouse or something. 

I am so happy to say that neither Chris nor I lost any appendages while building it. It may have taken us three weekends to finally get it built, stained, (then sanded back down when I didn't like the stain), and finally painted and moved into the house, but now I have the freaking heaviest, sturdiest, almost according-to-the-plans table under my TV. And I love it. 

Look at that. My first post back practically wrote itself. Consider the Mishaps dust bunnies evicted. See you again soon, fellow Almost Adults!

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